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Is Resistant Starch Keto-Friendly?

READ TIME: 6 MINUTES — One of the common questions about resistant starch is, “Can I eat resistant starch on a keto diet?” The answer is a resounding yes. Even though…
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Join the July Daily Supergut Community Challenge

READ TIME: < 1 MINUTE — Are you ready to nail down you daily Supergut habit, reboot your metabolism, and experience some amazing results in the process?! If so, then our Daily Supergut Challenge is exactly what you need… and it all starts July 1st.
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6 Easy Ways to Get the Best Results When Getting Started with Supergut

READ TIME: 5 MINUTES — So you’ve just made a great decision for your health: making Supergut part of your daily life. Congratulations! But you may be wondering exactly what to do to get the very most out of your daily Supergut shakes to maximize your health benefits, including helping lower A1c, fasting blood sugar, and much more.
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Celebrating Black History Month at Supergut

READ TIME: < 1 MINUTE — February is Black History Month and here at Muniq, we’re excited to celebrate the past while impacting our future by raising awareness of the pervasive health disparities within the Black community.
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Supporting the Black Community

READ TIME: 2 MINUTES — As a founder & CEO of a Black-owned health and wellness business, I feel a strong obligation to be a part of the solution to help close the pervasive health disparities for minorities and the Black community specifically. The latest examples of devastating injustices against Black Americans, including the senseless and tragic deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and most recently, George Floyd, have added to the already ‘critical condition’ within the Black community.